We will be CLOSED July 4th through the 10th. Any orders and messages received during that time will be returned when we are back on the 11th.

Fescue – Sand


Sand Fescue (Festuca ammobia) is one of the shortest native perennial grasses that we have, growing between 8-24″ tall.  Foliage is green but turns a grey-blue color in the summertime.  According to the “USDA Plant Fact Sheet” its native habitat is along the Pacific Northwest coast in gravel, between rocks and along stream banks in moist to moderate dry soils.  It can be found growing in a broad range of soil types.  This grass spreads by rhizomes and develops extensive roots which give it excellent sand binding capabilities for use in erosion control on beaches and stream banks.  This grass also makes a great forage for wildlife and livestock such as cattle and horses.  Because of its short growing characteristics, it works great for use between vineyard and berry crops as well.  Another use of this grass is for a low-maintenance turf and ornamental landscaping.  Fall planting is the best time to plant this grass.  This grass occurs naturally in wetland as well as upper dryland areas.  According to USDA, “Sand fescue seed germinates readily, indicating dormancy is low or nonexistent in most populations.  Fall sowing is preferred to reduce the need for irrigation the following spring and summer.  Establishment is slow and plants seldom flower the first full growing season.  Where weed competition is expected to be high, fertilization should be postponed for the first six months or more.

Suggested seeding rates for general revegetation are 14 lbs/acre when drilled alone at a depth of ¼ to ½ in.  If broadcast sown, rates are often increased 1.5 to 2 times this amount.  For a turf application, use a rate of 1 lb/1,000 sq. ft.  As with many grasses to be planted on initially poor-quality soils, an organic mulch or compost amendment can benefit establishment and growth.  This information and more can be found at this link: Plant fact sheet for sand fescue (Festuca ammobia) (usda.gov)

**For larger quantities than listed for sale please contact us for availability and pricing.

The broadcast rate for seeding is 28 – 35 pounds per acre.

The seed drill rate for seeding in rows is 14 pounds per acre.

Purchasing Options PriceQuantity
Small Packet $2.50

Covers approximately 5 square feet.

10 Gram $3.00

Covers approximately 65 square feet.

1/8 Pound $12.00

Covers approximately 385 square feet.

1 Pound $54.00

Covers approximately 3,110 square feet.

3 Pound $123.21

Covers approximately 9,330 square feet.

5 Pound $205.35

Covers approximately 15,555 square feet.

10 Pound Bag $410.70

Covers approximately 31,110 square feet.


NW Native species


Blue, Green



Scientific Name

Festuca ammobia



Bloom Season


Planting Season


Seeding Rate (lb./acre)


Seeds Per Pound


Product Type

Native Grass

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