We will be CLOSED July 4th through the 10th. Any orders and messages received during that time will be returned when we are back on the 11th.

Early Bird Wildflower Mix


Our Early Bird Wildflower Mix will provide a combination of hardy annual and perennial flowers that will bloom early in the spring season, when they are fall planted.  This mix’s bloom season will also extend into late spring and early summer.  These specific flowers have been selected for their tolerance to cold and their ability to weather winter climates in zones 7-10.

This specific mix has been designed to require less maintenance, have a broader range and depth of color, survive in cool season climates, allow for spring or fall planting and provide early spring color when planted in the fall.

Ingredients: Calendula – Pacific Beauty Mix, Chinese Forget-Me-Not – Blue, Bachelor Button – Dwarf Polka Dot Mix, Poppy – California Orange, Larkspur – Rocket Mix, Candytuft – Mix, Clarkia – Mountain Garland Mix, Alyssum – Sweet Tall White, Godetia – Dwarf Single Mix, Black-Eyed Susan, Poppy – Shirley Single Mix, Poppy – American Legion, Toadflax – Northern Lights Mix, Baby Blue Eyes, Coreopsis – Plain Tall, Chinese Houses, Coreopsis – Lance Leaved, Dames Rocket – Violet, Five Spot, Coneflower – Clasping, Primrose – Evening, Tidy Tips, Lupine – Perennial Blue

*Note: Ingredients may vary depending on seed availability.

**For larger quantities than listed for sale please contact us for availability and pricing.

Seeding rate is 22 lbs per acre broadcast planting and 10 lbs per acre planting with a seed drill in rows

Purchasing Options PriceQuantity
Small Packet $2.50

Covers approximately 5 square feet.

10 Gram $3.75

Covers approximately 75 square feet. broadcasting

1/4 Pound $12.00

Covers approximately 500 square feet broadcasting

1/4 Pound Shaker $14.00

Covers approximately 500 square feet broadcasting

1 Pound $30.50

Covers approximately 2,000 square feet broadcasting

5 Pound Bag $135.00

Covers approximately 10,000 square feet broadcasting

10 Pound Bag $270.00

Covers approximately 20,000 square feet broadcasting

SKU SF0070 Category
Product Type

Flower Mix


Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow



Planting Season

Spring, Fall

Bloom Season

Spring, Summer

Seeding Rate (lb./acre)


Seeds Per Pound


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