We will be CLOSED July 4th through the 10th. Any orders and messages received during that time will be returned when we are back on the 11th.

Native Pollinator Mix


Our pollinator mix contains flowers and grasses that are beneficial to our native pollinator species.  These are a collection of pollinators that are native within the United States. During their growing season these species provide food such as pollen and nectar to help our pollinator populations.  By planting an area of assorted wildflowers, rather than a single species in your yard, it helps our pollinators by having a larger variety to choose from that is more colorful and easier to find.

This mix contains various native flower species as well as a native grasses native to the United States & Oregon.  Several of them are perennials that may come back year after year.

*Most perennials will not bloom the first year they are planted.  They establish a plant the first and then bloom the second.  You may not see all of these flowers bloom the same year.

Ingredients: Baby Blue Eyes, Heal-All, Phlox – Large Flowered, Lupine – Riverbank, Tidy Tips, Yarrow – Western, Phacelia – Lacy Fiddleneck, Phacelia – Bluebell California, Phlox – Mountain, Chinese Houses, Hairgrass – Slender, Oregon Sunshine, Hollyhock – Tall Wild

*Note: Ingredients may vary depending on seed availability.

Planting Tip: It’s easy to accidentally plant all the seed in one spot and run out because the seeds are so small.  You may want to mix the seed with something to help thin it out and spread it with such as mixing potting soil in a wheelbarrow with it or purchasing vermiculite at a garden store to mix with it.

**For larger quantities than listed for sale please contact us for availability and pricing.

The broadcast rate for seeding is 20 – 25 pounds per acre.

The seed drill rate for seeding in rows is 10 pounds per acre.

Purchasing Options PriceQuantity
Small Packet $2.50

Covers approximately 5 square feet.

1/8 Pound $12.00

Covers approximately 250 square feet broadcasting

1/8 Pound Shaker $14.00

Covers approximately 250 square feet broadcasting

1 Pound $60.00

Covers approximately 2,000 square feet broadcasting

3 Pound $105.00

Covers approximately 6,000 square feet broadcasting

5 Pound $175.00

Covers approximately 10,000 square feet broadcasting

10 Pound Bag $350.00

Covers approximately 20,000 square feet broadcasting

Product Type

Flower Mix, Native Flower, Native Grass

Seeds Per Pound


Seeding Rate (lb./acre)



Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow


Annual, Perennial


North American Native species


3 to 10


Nectar, Pollen

Light Requirement

Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade




Bats, Bees, Beetles, Beneficial Insects, Birds, Bumble Bees, Butterflies, Honey Bees, Native Bees, Short Nosed Bees, Short Tongue Bees, Small Birds

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