We will be CLOSED July 4th through the 10th. Any orders and messages received during that time will be returned when we are back on the 11th.

Northwest Prairie Economy Mix


The Northwest Prairie Economy Mix combines both native forbs and grasses, that were once abundant throughout the prairie lands, of the Northwest’s fertile Willamette Valley.

On a site of bare and loose soil, that will provide optimal seed-to-soil contact, a broadcast seeding rate of 7 lb./acre may be used.  If very little site preparation has been done (i.e. only scratching the surface of the soil and existing vegetation is present), then use the doubled rate of 14 lb./acre.

Ingredients: Blue Wildrye, Hairgrass – Tufted, Hollyhock – Tall Wild, Oatgrass – California, Brome – California, Hairgrass – Slender, Fescue – Roemer’s, Gilia – Globe, Barley – Meadow, Camas – Common, Phlox – Large- Flowered, Heal-All, Sea Blush, Lupine – Riverbank, Oregon Sunshine, Vetch – Big Deer, Clarkia – Diamond, Clarkia – Pink Fairies, Clarkia – Winecup, Buttercup – Straitbeak, Godetia – Farewell to Spring, Junegrass – Prairie

*Note: Ingredients may vary depending on seed availability.

**For larger quantities than listed for sale please contact us for availability and pricing

Seeding Rate is about 10-13 lbs per acre broadcast planting

Seeding Rate is about 5 lbs per acre using a seed drill to plant in rows

Purchasing Options PriceQuantity
Small Packet $2.50

Covers approximately 5 square feet.

1/8 Pound $12.00

Covers approximately 400 square feet broadcasting

1/8 Pound Shaker $14.00

Covers approximately 400 square feet broadcasting

1 Pound $63.00

Covers approximately 3,200 square feet broadcasting

3 Pound $105.00

Covers approximately 9,600 square feet broadcasting

5 Pound $185.00

Covers approximately 16,000 square feet broadcasting

Product Type

Flower Mix, Native Flower, Native Grass, Native Grass Mix




Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow




NW Native species

Bloom Season

Spring, Summer, Fall

Seeding Rate (lb./acre)


Seeds Per Pound


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